In 2012 my husband and I welcomed our first child. I loved getting to spend time with my son while on maternity leave, but those three months flew by. In a blink of an eye, it was time to go back to work and the fear and anxiety of leaving my son started to set in. How could I leave my baby with a woman I had just met?

How could I trust this person? How could I go 8 hours without seeing my son? How could I travel and not see him? After many tears, I enlisted my husband (the tech savvy one in the family) to find a way for me to see my son while I was working. What I didn’t realize at the time was that this was not an easy task. Yes, there are baby monitors out there, but none offered exactly what I was looking for.

I wanted a monitor that was easy-to-install and operate and that I could access anytime and from anywhere not just in the home. Most of what we found was really complicated with limited functionality. Not to mention, they were expensive. Thus, ComfortCam™ was born. I wanted to develop a baby monitor that had all the bells and whistles, but without the high price tag.

My goal was simple, to create a baby monitor for all moms (and we shouldn’t forget the dads) that provided them with the confidence and security they needed to return to their daily lives. Now, after two years of research and development and another baby later, I am thrilled to launch ComfortCam™, an easy-to-install and inexpensive baby monitor that gives you the peace of mind you need.